Just now I have reason to be quiet and let things be. Were I to be pursued by a JC and DFd then the breaks would be off. I would never be "repentant" but would feel free to be active. So the BoE/Cong would meet with a significant "response cost"!
Nicholaus Kopernicus
JoinedPosts by Nicholaus Kopernicus
Walking away will get you D/Fed
by Drifting Away insomeone just told my wife, that those who are just leaving organization or not going anymore will be dfed, has anyone read that or heard of that?
i have seen nothing of that, and according to jackson at royal commission, we are free to go as we please...
Britain in the doldrums!
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe 2014 - 2015 jw statistics showed a peak publisher decline of 884 with the average publisher tally showing a gain of 183. .
the 2017 yearbook is now available via jw.org and the statistics for britain show a 2016 peak publisher increase of 630 and an average publisher increase of a paltry 26!.
nothing to shout about on the part of the followers of caiaphas in the britain branch.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
Breathtaking numbers! British decline well and truly emasculated. Read on another thread that JW numbers in Poland down by 2% or so. Suspect that Polish emigration is a contributory factor.
Foreign language COs have more than enough to keep themselves occupied! The followers of Caiaphas want these folks to be adequately
policedsupported! -
Britain in the doldrums!
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe 2014 - 2015 jw statistics showed a peak publisher decline of 884 with the average publisher tally showing a gain of 183. .
the 2017 yearbook is now available via jw.org and the statistics for britain show a 2016 peak publisher increase of 630 and an average publisher increase of a paltry 26!.
nothing to shout about on the part of the followers of caiaphas in the britain branch.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
I keyed in "Britain" and a language in which I know there is significant publisher increase / activity.
Re Filipino - they are mostly in London with a group in Southampton and Birmingham.
Britain in the doldrums!
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthe 2014 - 2015 jw statistics showed a peak publisher decline of 884 with the average publisher tally showing a gain of 183. .
the 2017 yearbook is now available via jw.org and the statistics for britain show a 2016 peak publisher increase of 630 and an average publisher increase of a paltry 26!.
nothing to shout about on the part of the followers of caiaphas in the britain branch.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
The 2014 - 2015 JW statistics showed a peak publisher decline of 884 with the average publisher tally showing a gain of 183.
The 2017 yearbook is now available via jw.org and the statistics for Britain show a 2016 peak publisher increase of 630 and an average publisher increase of a paltry 26!
Nothing to shout about on the part of the followers of Caiaphas in the Britain branch. Indeed, the figures probably hide a very significant decline in Britain. I say this because immigration is a very talked about subject on various media outlets in Britain. Recent years have seen an influx of many hundreds of thousands of immigrants.
This high immigration is reflected in the increasing numbers of foreign language groups and congregations in Britain. For example...
Polish - 32
Portuguese - 26
Spanish - 18
Russian - 10
Filipino - 8
The above are just a few examples of foreign language congs/groups via jw.org. Take away this influx and most assuredly Britain's JW population is in decline.
What could be contributing to the decline in the British context.....
*Consider the aberrant conduct of many BoE's. Brits like fair play - not bullies.
*Consider the heavy influence to use digital media instead of hardcopy Bible's and hymn books. Scrolling hymns on a large screen karaoke style just isn't British either.
*Consider the silly videos of shadow people - banal and boring.
*Consider the Faithful and Discreet Slave's incursion into kingdom hall's via video. Hardly discreet! Not faithful to anyone but themselves either! If they were really faithful to God's Word they wouldn't be having all those changes in doctrine. No, they're not so much faithful as they are capricious!
I strongly believe that before long, not even the pattern of immigration to Britain will emasculate the decline in JW numbers here. Time will tell!
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Walking away will get you D/Fed
by Drifting Away insomeone just told my wife, that those who are just leaving organization or not going anymore will be dfed, has anyone read that or heard of that?
i have seen nothing of that, and according to jackson at royal commission, we are free to go as we please...
Nicholaus Kopernicus
From what I hear in my licality, and from wat I read on various OP's, it is the aberant behaviour from BoE's which is causative of individuals wanting to fade.
The content of conventions, elder schools etc, merely embolden them to harshess and thus the fading continues. Their disposition cannot be rescued that I can discern.
Walking away will get you D/Fed
by Drifting Away insomeone just told my wife, that those who are just leaving organization or not going anymore will be dfed, has anyone read that or heard of that?
i have seen nothing of that, and according to jackson at royal commission, we are free to go as we please...
Nicholaus Kopernicus
Several in my and a neighbouring congregation have become inactive. One was pursued by two elders for a "shepherding visit" but they weren't successful in making contact and haven't pursued him any further. So he's well and truly inactive without any "judicial" consequences.
My attendance at meetings is quite irregular. In response, very few talk to me (called pre-emptive shunning I understand) as if I had perpetrated a great travesty. But I see this positively in that when I give up attending completely, the shunning will hopefully continue rather than my being pursued by elders.
In Britain, the latest peak publisher numbers from last year's JW Yearbook indicated a reduction of just under 900 from the previous year. That would make a lot of disfellowhipping were the reduction in part or in whole due to fading / inactivity were there uch a policy response.
I'm waiting for the 2017 yearbook to see if this peak publisher decline is a one off or not.
RC 2017
by wifibandit indue to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
I didn't attend last year's convention. Read the outlines published on this website and realised I just couldn't bear it. I do hope some kind soul releases the 2017 outlines too.
It's similar with the CLAM - the videos are doleful. I can only tolerate one such attendance per month.
As for the WT studies, the 8th and 15th of January 2017 study content means I just cannot attend. Can't bear hearing the GB/FDS/ORGANISATION engaging in self praise.
In my congregation, attendance is troughing by about 25% but there are no local needs items addressing the issue like there would have been not all that long ago. I really hope more stay away from the conventions next year.
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What the Org Teaches #8 "Jehovah's Witnesses" is Our Scriptural Name!
by The Searcher in#8 "jehovah's witnesses" is our scriptural name!
jehovah's witnesses are taught (and believe) by their hierarchy in brooklyn that the name of their religion is based on the bible itself.
a little bit of research comprehensively reveals that the statement which was written in isaiah 43:10 about the jewish nation 700 years before christians appeared, has been corruptly and un-scripturally adopted as a "god-given" name.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
I no longer describe myself as a Jehovah's Witness regarding the descriptor as a Rutherfordism.
Meeting Attendance levels
by freddo ini attended a sunday meeting today after missing a couple due to a bout of chronic apathy.
out of 74 publishers we had a grand total of 33. wonderful.
for those that attend, how are you finding the numbers?.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
In my congregation, meeting attendance is about 20-25% below the usual. Field ministry support is also down on what it used to be. Even when the CO visits, attendance at field ministry is markedly reduced. For example, hitherto the CO would have 60+ publishers at the first ministry meeting. This year there was a mere 22!
Re the reduced meeting and ministry support, the most significant observation is that the BoE is silent on the matter. No encouraging exhortations. No exemplary publishers interviewed on platform to show us the way. No local needs items highlighting the apathy!
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Your feelings for the former travelling overseers
by Hecce induring our wt life we met a good number of friends involved in the circuit and district work.
i am sure that we share the same experience and that we remember fondly some that we caring, loving and generally interested in the brothers.
at the same time we might remember others that were arrogant, selfish, abusive and oppressive.
Nicholaus Kopernicus
Punk of Nice:
You said "Birtles was a pig of the lowest order."
Succinctly put and so true. He never conveyed gratitude for hospitality provided. He engendered stress. He spoke from the lectern in the manner of a stern and condescending headmaster to dull children. Until he arrived, nobody knew that such a person could have been appointed to such a role. He did a lot of damage. His wife was equally dysfunctional.
I never got the chance to say googbye to him. Otherwise I would have used the Irish farewell wherein it is said: "Come back when you've got less time!"
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